About Me

I'm a 53 year old "plain ole grandma" to 4 beautiful grandkids (3 girls and 1 boy), mother to 2 wonderful daughters and 2 perfect son-in-laws and wife to a great guy who is my everything. This blog is about my family and my weight lose journey to a thinner me so that this plain ole grandma can enjoy life with her family!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blogging...I'm gonna try it!

wow...me blogging...kind of a strange feeling. I read lots of blogs and always thing that would be fun to do but just never was inclined to take the plunge.

Then over at the sisterhood of shrinking jeans they decided to do a "shrinkvivor" and I decided it was time to get serious about losing weight. So I joined them and I have to say it's been a lot of fun trying my hardest at their challenges.  Then I noticed they blogged about what they accomplished or how frustrated they got and I once again decided I should probably try that too!  So here I am!!

This blog will be for writing about my weight lose and about my family...cause I really do love my family! 

"Shrinkvivor" started on September 15th and I weighed in that day at 186 lbs. Not my highest but certainly close. The challenges run from Thursday evening to Tuesday night at midnight and we weigh in on Wednesday. We have a physical and non physical challenge each week.
  • Our first challenge was to keep track of miles (it could be walking, running, treadmill or eplitical)and drink lots of water. I racked up 12.5 miles that week and was pretty darn proud of myself.
  • Next it was minutes spent exercising, drinking lots more water and no fast food...355 minutes for me and no fast food and lots of water. 
  • This week the physical challenge was fastest mile (walking or running) and thanks to my daughter Rachel almost killing her poor momma I clocked my mile at 14:30. The non physical part was more water, no fast food and eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. I am doing good on all of those and actually have cut Diet Dr Pepper almost completely out of my day!  Still have an ice tea but water isn't all that bad anymore. 
Today I weighed in at 180.4 so a 5.6 lb lose so far!  I'm pretty darn happy with that.

I'm tracking my eating on Sparkpeople.com which has helped so much...portion control was my weakness but now I almost always measure whatever I eat. 

I'll be updating as we move through this challenge and hopefully I will end up about 10 lbs lighter by the end!!